Sunday, February 28, 2010


Shavasana, final resting pose. Although many yoga poses can be quite challenging, I often find Shavasana to be one of the most challenging. We live in a world where multi tasking is a must in order to get by on a daily basis, and now I am being asked to lie still. No thoughts, movements, nothing! This is not an easy task. Sometimes  I find myself thinking about not thinking, haha.  At the same time, I know that the Shavasana pose is one of the most important to the yoga practice. It is a time to let your practice settle in. So as often as possible, it is a pose I try not to overlook, even if it is at the end of my practice, and I am ready to move on. 

While it came time for my final resting pose yesterday , instead of not thinking, I found myself comparing Shavasana and share time during Daily Five (there I go again with the multitasking). Having time for sharing is an integral part of literacy instruction. Unfortunately, it is also a time that sometimes gets overlooked in my classroom. Time flies, the period ends and then we are running to a special, without having time for sharing. 

Share time has been on my mind for a while now, but the importance of it came to the forefront the other day when we were sharing our biography notes. Sitting in a circle the kids had the opportunity to share what they had learned about their particular person. I was amazed while listening to the students discoveries and hearing comments such as, "George Washington has the same birthday as my person" or "Your doing Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln wanted to stop slavery." These types of discussions wouldn't happen without sharing and without sharing an integral part of our instruction is missing.